Understanding Physical Neutral

Often times, many people misunderstands that being a martial artist, one must be ‘aggressive’, rough, and tough in order to have the upper hand over your opponent. Quite the contrary, here, world renown martial artist, Master Sam Chin explains why you should focus your training on “neutral” instead.

In this video, Master Sam Chin talks about what exactly is “physical neutral” under the Zhong Xin Dao principles. It explains how understanding the neutral on touch helps you connect to your opponent center(s) and built a network that sends you all the information. Only on neutral, you’re open to receiving the most accurate details without the influence of your own judgement.

He also reveals how by being neutral helps you escape from being bound by timing and spacing, so you no longer need to concern about speed and being ‘faster’ than your opponent. There’s no speed faster than “you being already THERE”.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFUZ5qdqwRQ%5B/embedyt%5D

Transcription as follows:

So under the arts of ZXD/ ILC. The principle is on mental neutral and physical neutral.  Mindfulness, right mindfulness is the neutral attention and the physical center starts with one point.  A point is a center point. A center point, how do you classify as a center?  That means a center must have forward, backward, left, right, up down.  That means it’s 6 directions. At least 6 directions then there’ll be 3 dimensions.  So this is the neutral energy and also how to look into the space.   

ZXD is the approach teaching you to hold on neutral.  As Tao said, circle with center, everything adjust and fall in place to the center.  So it’s a bit tricky here. I can explain, Does anyone have beads.

Now, this is a center.  If I try to use this to adjust.  This is one side, this is another side.  I try to do this, to go to the center to adjust, to coordinate to go to the center. The ZXD (approach) is that, I hold the center.  Everything falls in place.  Understand? You see when I hold there, everything will go to there, will align. So in the training. Can we maintain and hold on the point? But you must be careful that the oint is also keep on changing, you must be able to flow to be with the point.  That means all movement will aligning to the point.  So this is one of the approach.  

In our principles, first we talk about circle with the center. Then center to center, then how you link the center. When there’s a link, there’s a tension to hold the link.  So the tension turns into one.  For instance, these 3 things. 3 points. This to this.  If you don’t link, then you drop this.  This will be with this.  Then this will turn into the past.  If I have this, this, this, linked, this turn into one present.  So we are holding onto that neutral.  So when we can hold, how many centers.  It creates a network. When I create a network, like a wireless network, for instance.

If your network is as big as this house, that means you connect there connect there.  If my network is the whole compound, that means my radar is bigger.  Like the table is my radar, your radar is only this.  That means anything inside here, you know.  Outside you don’t know. But outside is under my radar. So that means I know this will be going into your radar, into your space.  That means this is your future, so your future is under my present. So this is about timing and spacing.  If I’m there occupying all the time, I’m there all the time, there’s no more time and space.  So how can you be faster than me?