[Groß Kreutz/Havel (near Berlin), Germany] Spring Retreat with Yen Lee Chin

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Date(s) - 07/Apr/24 - 11/Apr/24
All Day




„Improving your understanding of the body structure & energy through solo and partner work.“

Yen Lee Chin, the eldest daughter of Grandmaster Sam F.S. Chin, has been immersed in training with her father since childhood, honing the essential “touch” crucial for I Liq Chuan. This martial art revolves around the concept of “listening power,” an acute awareness of tensions and forces within one’s own body and that of the opponent. Rooted in the philosophies of Buddhism and Taoism, and intricately tied to meditation, the Chin family offers a distinctive training experience through the Zhong Xin Dao (“Centre Heart Way”) approach.

Yen Lee possesses remarkable sensitivity and a keen eye, aiding individuals in developing a clearer self-perception, identifying imbalances, and restoring equilibrium. Regardless of the martial or movement art, training with her proves invaluable for understanding the intricate functions of one’s own body.

The retreat is like a booster for clarity and self-unification. We are super proud that Yen Lee is coming to Germany and holding her first retreat here. This will be a wonderful experience – don’t miss it!

Sunday, 07th April 2024 – Thursday , 11th April 2024
Sunday 7th-Wednesday 10th: 10am – 12:30 pm & 15pm-6:30 pm: Training with Yen Lee Chin. After Dinner: Free Training with guidance.
From second day on: 9am – 09:45am Chi Gong with Dominique Brizin.
Thursday 11th: 9am -12:30 pm Training with Yen Lee Chin

Investment (just for the seminar):
Five days = €550 (members CFILC), €600 (External).
Early Bird (01.03.24) for five days: €500 (members), €550 (External)
One day = €130 (members CFILC), €150 (External)

Booking information for accomodation & food (price, room category, etc) on http://www.kda-portal.de or by mail (info@iliqchuan.de)

How to Register

Find all information on http://www.kda-portal.de or by mail (info@iliqchuan.de)

Our seminars are open to all and require no prior knowledge!